The Anchor House

The Anchor House is designed to meet the psychological, physical and sociological needs of sex trafficked and sexually exploited boys. At the Anchor House, every boy will be treated as a unique individual by using holistic approaches and proven clinical methods that nurture healing and restoration. Through the Anchor House program, our goal is to help these boys not to identify as a mere survivor but as a victorious over comer. It is our desire for each boy to experience healing, regain complete freedom and reintegrate into society.

The Anchor House will be licensed under the State of North Carolina as a Residential Care Facility. The Anchor House’s program will be governed by Restore One Board, advised by Restore One Shelter Advisory Committee, overseen by Restore One Executive Staff and carried out by trained and qualified Anchor House staff. Providing excellence in care is the priority of Restore One Board and Staff. Each is willing to go above and beyond to ensure the Anchor House is an effective and credible program.