Prayer our most powerful and strongest weapon in the battle to end human trafficking. Prayer and intercession is the backbone of Restore One’s mission to end slavery. 

On the second Friday of every month, the Boiler Room hosts The Burn, an all night worship event where Restore One leads and hour of community prayer and intercession for human trafficking. Aside from our monthly community prayer, the Restore One’s prayer team meets weekly to pray. To join us in praying for Restore One and for the issue of human trafficking contact

Restore One’s prayer team travels to public events within the United States that are expected to cause an escalation of trafficking within the region. Once onsite our team combats human trafficking through on street activism and team prayer and intercession. To learn more about being a part of our prayer team contact


In addition to the opportunities below, volunteer positions are needed in the areas of social media, communications, Restore One Prayer Team, Project So Loved, Restore One Street Team, administrative assistance and others.

We are entering a special but busy time at Restore One as we prepare for our first shelter for boys who have been victims of trafficking. We are in need of talented individuals to come alongside us for this journey. Here are some things we need help with:

Grant Writing
Event Planning
Public Relations
Marketing Outreach

New volunteer application coming soon!